Long Distance

by Cordova, Steven
Released: 2009

Steven Cordova penned the chapbook Slow Dissolve (Momotombo Press, 2003). He has published poems in a variety of publications, including Barrow Street, Callaloo, The Journal, and Northwest Review, as well as in the online journals La Petite Zine, The Cortland Review, and the Poetry Foundation website. His work also appeared in the anthology Ravishing DisUnities: Real Ghazals in English (Wesleyan University Press, 2000). Cordova holds a degree from the University of Texas at Austin and lives and works in New York City.

In Long Distance, the fourth title in the Canto Cosas series, Steven Cordova vividly portrays the life of a young gay man living in New York—in this case, a man who has tested positive for HIV. The poet uses ironic humor to dissolve the figurative ghetto associated with the subject and to describe a general human condition in which those who survive to pick up the pieces and continue their search for harmony. Long Distance is the poet’s first book-length collection.
